CA23 property market data

The postcode district of CA23 has a low average yield of 2.03%, with a normal rental demand and a high sales demand. This makes CA23 a very difficult location to find buy-to-let property investments. The median rental price is £525 and the median sale price is £309,975. There are 8/31 sale listings and 1/7 rental listings available.

Locations neighbouring CA23 include: CA13, CA22, CA20, CA14, CA26, CA25 and CA24.

Average yield
Median rent
Median sale
Rental demand
Average (1426th)
Sales demand
High (279th)
Map of CA23 and the surrounding area, with a purple overlay marking CA23 specifically

Rental listings by number of bedrooms

BedroomsListings (Completed)Average Rent pcmMedian Rent pcmTime to Offer (avg)
BedroomsListings (Completed)Average Rent pcmMedian Rent pcmTime to Offer (avg)
BedroomsListings (Completed)Average Rent pcmMedian Rent pcmTime to Offer (avg)
20 (5)£521£5256 days
30 (1)£695£69510 days
41 (0)---

Sale listings by number of bedrooms

BedroomsListings (Completed)Average SaleMedian SaleTime to Offer (avg)
BedroomsListings (Completed)Average SaleMedian SaleTime to Offer (avg)
BedroomsListings (Completed)Average SaleMedian SaleTime to Offer (avg)
BedroomsListings (Completed)Average SaleMedian SaleTime to Offer (avg)
BedroomsListings (Completed)Average SaleMedian SaleTime to Offer (avg)
BedroomsListings (Completed)Average SaleMedian SaleTime to Offer (avg)
01 (0)---
21 (11)£67,950£65,00031 days
32 (7)£147,129£130,00024 days
43 (4)£236,249£242,50079 days
50 (1)£429,950£429,950199 days
71 (0)---
ListingPriceMedian Rent
Two bedroom house£320,000£5201.95%

Showing 1 to 1 of 1 results