M1 property market data

The postcode district of M1 has an outstanding average yield of 5.92%, with a very low rental demand and a very low sales demand. This makes M1 an outstanding location to find buy-to-let property investments. The median rental price is £1,295 and the median sale price is £262,582. There are 402/625 sale listings and 344/1427 rental listings available.

Locations neighbouring M1 include: M3, M4, M13, M15, M2, M12, M60 and M99.

Average yield
Median rent
Median sale
Rental demand
Very low (2083rd)
Sales demand
Very low (2484th)
Map of M1 and the surrounding area, with a purple overlay marking M1 specifically

Rental listings by number of bedrooms

BedroomsListings (Completed)Average Rent pcmMedian Rent pcmTime to Offer (avg)
BedroomsListings (Completed)Average Rent pcmMedian Rent pcmTime to Offer (avg)
BedroomsListings (Completed)Average Rent pcmMedian Rent pcmTime to Offer (avg)
BedroomsListings (Completed)Average Rent pcmMedian Rent pcmTime to Offer (avg)
BedroomsListings (Completed)Average Rent pcmMedian Rent pcmTime to Offer (avg)
029 (18)£969£9259 days
1115 (425)£1,139£1,10010 days
2175 (588)£1,417£1,37514 days
324 (49)£1,860£1,79514 days
41 (3)£2,247£2,3469 days

Sale listings by number of bedrooms

BedroomsListings (Completed)Average SaleMedian SaleTime to Offer (avg)
BedroomsListings (Completed)Average SaleMedian SaleTime to Offer (avg)
BedroomsListings (Completed)Average SaleMedian SaleTime to Offer (avg)
BedroomsListings (Completed)Average SaleMedian SaleTime to Offer (avg)
BedroomsListings (Completed)Average SaleMedian SaleTime to Offer (avg)
01 (5)£175,980£174,950138 days
1173 (68)£192,819£181,25041 days
2220 (138)£270,885£250,00054 days
36 (9)£368,333£360,000120 days
42 (3)£441,666£499,999397 days
ListingPriceMedian Rent
ListingPriceMedian Rent
ListingPriceMedian Rent
ListingPriceMedian Rent
ListingPriceMedian Rent
ListingPriceMedian Rent
ListingPriceMedian Rent
ListingPriceMedian Rent
ListingPriceMedian Rent
ListingPriceMedian Rent
One bedroom flat£90,000£1,10014.67%
One bedroom flat£90,000£1,10014.67%
One bedroom flat£97,500£1,10013.54%
One bedroom flat£99,995£1,10013.20%
One bedroom flat£99,995£1,10013.20%
One bedroom flat£99,995£1,10013.20%
One bedroom flat£99,995£1,10013.20%
One bedroom flat£100,000£1,10013.20%
One bedroom flat£100,000£1,10013.20%
One bedroom flat£100,000£1,10013.20%

Showing 1 to 10 of 400 results