NR8 property market data

The postcode district of NR8 has a reasonable average yield of 3.29%, with a normal rental demand and a normal sales demand. This makes NR8 a reasonable location to find buy-to-let property investments. The median rental price is £960 and the median sale price is £350,000. There are 158/484 sale listings and 24/207 rental listings available.

Locations neighbouring NR8 include: NR5, NR10, NR9 and NR6.

Average yield
Median rent
Median sale
Rental demand
Average (1059th)
Sales demand
Average (734th)
Map of NR8 and the surrounding area, with a purple overlay marking NR8 specifically

Rental listings by number of bedrooms

BedroomsListings (Completed)Average Rent pcmMedian Rent pcmTime to Offer (avg)
BedroomsListings (Completed)Average Rent pcmMedian Rent pcmTime to Offer (avg)
BedroomsListings (Completed)Average Rent pcmMedian Rent pcmTime to Offer (avg)
BedroomsListings (Completed)Average Rent pcmMedian Rent pcmTime to Offer (avg)
BedroomsListings (Completed)Average Rent pcmMedian Rent pcmTime to Offer (avg)
BedroomsListings (Completed)Average Rent pcmMedian Rent pcmTime to Offer (avg)
11 (16)£702£7009 days
28 (89)£920£90015 days
34 (49)£1,195£1,20016 days
411 (23)£1,456£1,35018 days
50 (5)£2,090£2,00030 days
70 (1)£2,250£2,250158 days

Sale listings by number of bedrooms

BedroomsListings (Completed)Average SaleMedian SaleTime to Offer (avg)
BedroomsListings (Completed)Average SaleMedian SaleTime to Offer (avg)
BedroomsListings (Completed)Average SaleMedian SaleTime to Offer (avg)
BedroomsListings (Completed)Average SaleMedian SaleTime to Offer (avg)
BedroomsListings (Completed)Average SaleMedian SaleTime to Offer (avg)
BedroomsListings (Completed)Average SaleMedian SaleTime to Offer (avg)
13 (11)£159,545£170,00017 days
227 (102)£201,495£196,25042 days
360 (102)£311,784£275,00039 days
452 (95)£404,421£375,00056 days
513 (16)£555,313£457,50076 days
63 (0)---
ListingPriceMedian Rent
ListingPriceMedian Rent
ListingPriceMedian Rent
ListingPriceMedian Rent
ListingPriceMedian Rent
ListingPriceMedian Rent
ListingPriceMedian Rent
ListingPriceMedian Rent
ListingPriceMedian Rent
ListingPriceMedian Rent
Two bedroom flat£130,000£9008.31%
Two bedroom flat£140,000£9007.71%
Two bedroom flat£140,000£9007.71%
Two bedroom flat£145,000£9007.45%
Two bedroom flat£150,000£9007.20%
Five bedroom house£350,000£2,0006.86%
Two bedroom flat£160,000£9006.75%
Two bedroom flat£160,000£9006.75%
Two bedroom house£170,000£9506.71%
Two bedroom house£170,000£9506.71%

Showing 1 to 10 of 155 results